All Projects

ID Category Task Type Priority Severity Summary Status Progress
326Game ServersFeature RequestLowLowShow rank name and color on join and disconnect message...New
Task Description

Add exemptions for staff under the effects of undercover

325WebsiteFeature RequestLowLowSet Joinmessages on your profileNew
Task Description

Make it so it’s possible to open your Profile on the website and set your joinmessage there.

314Staff UtilitiesBug ReportVery LowLowActivity Discord BotAssigned
Task Description

Make a bot that relay staff hours per month, and their calladmin and callteacher responses (where relevant) to a private discord channel.
One for Headteachers (teacher stats) and one for admins (Mod stats)

311Staff UtilitiesEnhancementMediumHighGlobal discord bans.Assigned
Task Description

Have an automated global discord ban feature in the future instead of banning on each discord individually.

309Staff UtilitiesEnhancementLowLowAcademy BOTAssigned
Task Description

Add moderator module / commands to the academy discord bot.

Three useful ones that come to mind are:

/profile “Discord name” Brings up targeted users academy about page (link)
/discord “Steam name” Brings up targeted users Discord name (not an @)
/steam “Discord name” Brings up targeted users Steam Profile (link)

Note that the name syntax should ideally function like it does ingame, where you just have to type whatever is closets to the target as long as there’s not multiple targets with the shortened name.

303WebsiteFeature RequestLowLowHoF / TimelineAssigned
Task Description

Timeline project


302Game ServersEnhancementLowLowRegular rank ingameAssigned
Task Description

The Discord Regular rank uses mee6’s level settings to assign the rank to users with an absurdly high level at the moment, as a placeholder for what I originally had in mind.

As for what I have in mind, ideally there’s a physical rank that people can get, by playing regularly. It shouldn’t be a static rank, meaning that it’s not a “one and done” thing where you clock in x amount of hours to get the rank and then pull a houdini. Ideally it tracks your everyday/week activity and if you are above a certain threshold you qualify for the rank.

Donor interaction is up for debate, it would depend wether or not we decide the role should have a tag and or color, or some sort of visual thing to set it apart.

295JumpBOTBug ReportHighHighJumbot recordings jitterAssigned
Task Description

Recordings where you are going 1.7-1.9k hu/s start jittering and lagging, this issue only existed after we changing how projectiles work in recordings.

292ShadowFeature RequestLowLowShadow racing (or just normal racing like on jump assis...Assigned
Task Description

the way i see it working is you record using a command, and you’ll have options: timer, manual, checkpoint (timer lets you record for x amount of time until it automatically stops when the time is up. Manual lets you manually stop the recording whenever you want, like if you just wanted to record a couple jumps. Checkpoint stops the recording after hitting a capture point, either a course completion or map completion depending on the map setup)
After you’ve done either of those you have a recording to race. You can initiate the race with a command which will send you and a ‘ghost’ jumpbot to the starting point and count down, and then the race starts.
Recordings would be flushed after the player leaves.
It wouldn’t be the actual jumpbot though as that could prevent it from being used for long periods of time

(or just normal 1v1 races initiated by a player to another player)

288PluginsBug ReportMediumHighMapvote and Votemute/gag butting headsAssigned
Task Description

The mentioned votes can’t function together at the same time and opens up the possibility to abuse it so you can cancel a mapvote if you votemute someone before the mapvote starts. Ontop of that this also spams everyones chat with this due to mapvote being unable to start during the active votemute/gag.

The_Camelor : /votemute
[SM] “The_Camelor” (”STEAM_0:1:165877514”) started a vote to mute “gorgonzola2001”.
[MCE] Vote already in progress. Retrying in 5s.
[MCE] Vote already in progress. Retrying in 5s.
[MCE] Vote already in progress. Retrying in 5s.
[MCE] Vote already in progress. Retrying in 5s.
[MCE] Vote already in progress. Retrying in 5s.

214PluginsBug ReportLowHighSpectator list blocking /syncrAssigned
Task Description

The spectator list interferes with /syncr

203CoreEnhancementVery LowMediumMake /hardcore be actually hardcoreAssigned
Task Description

I believe this was discussed a long time ago, but nobody put it on the tracker back then :V

Feel free to comment on the post in #ja-issues if you disagree with the things I suggest or if you have another idea, I can only speak for myself since the discussion was so long ago that I can’t remember what was concluded.

Have it send you all the way back if you fail a jump. (or a check point, if the map has it. (i.e Course 1, Course 2; Easy course, hard course, etc.)
Disable saves.
Disable regen commands / plugins.
Disable noclip commands
Disable /bring and /goto

There may be more I’ve forgotten but this is what I can recall for now.

187Staff UtilitiesEnhancementMediumLowListcomms/bans show seconds instead of minutes.Assigned
Task Description

sm_listcomms and sm_listbans show durations in seconds which makes things more convoluted than they need to be.
Just adds more things that needs to be converted and it’s time that could be easily spared.

182JumpBOTBug ReportVery LowLowJumpbot interactions on jump_onitAssigned
Task Description

While doing the backwards course and viewing a recording you’ll be put back on the forward course.

118WebsiteFeature RequestVery LowVery LowSearch bar for mods+ regarding player profilesAssigned
Task Description

Make some sort of easier way to find players profile on other than going through the donor list / finding their steam profile?
Like just a simple search bar

99WebsiteFeature RequestVery LowLowDonor tag word restrictionsAssigned
Task Description

Add a list of words you’re not allowed to use on your donor tag, such as, and not limited to; Mod, Moderator, Admin, Administrator, Owner, Delegate, Teacher, etc..

64Staff UtilitiesFeature RequestVery LowMediumGrabbing vacban info on staffAssigned
Task Description

Replicate what steamrep does and grab vacban info, tradebans, and actual rep/steamrep (we don’t want scammers either i imagine) have it on some sort of website we already own, accessible by admins (mods doesn’t have any need for this information)

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