- Status Assigned
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Enhancement
- Category Game Servers
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MrSquid - Operating System All
- Severity Low
- Priority Low
- Reported Version Development
- Due in Version Undecided
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FS#302 - Regular rank ingame
The Discord Regular rank uses mee6’s level settings to assign the rank to users with an absurdly high level at the moment, as a placeholder for what I originally had in mind.
As for what I have in mind, ideally there’s a physical rank that people can get, by playing regularly. It shouldn’t be a static rank, meaning that it’s not a “one and done” thing where you clock in x amount of hours to get the rank and then pull a houdini. Ideally it tracks your everyday/week activity and if you are above a certain threshold you qualify for the rank.
Donor interaction is up for debate, it would depend wether or not we decide the role should have a tag and or color, or some sort of visual thing to set it apart.
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