295 | JumpBOT | Bug Report | High | High | Jumbot recordings jitter | Assigned | |
VolKan | 09.01.2021 | 30.08.2023 | | |
Task Description
Recordings where you are going 1.7-1.9k hu/s start jittering and lagging, this issue only existed after we changing how projectiles work in recordings.
301 | Core | Bug Report | High | High | Add cooldown to prevent building spam | Assigned | |
AI | 07.09.2021 | 13.09.2021 | | |
Task Description
Current instant building implementation allows engineers to spam building gibs by creating and destroying buildings in rapid succession. Gib cleanup timer is insufficient and CPU will spike to 100% if continued and lag the server. A building cooldown time is required.
22 | Staff Utilities | Feature Request | High | Medium | User notes system | Assigned | |
AI | 16.05.2017 | 24.08.2017 | | |
Task Description
Create a user notes system to keep tabs of problematic players across servers not fully handled via Sourcebans.
To show a list of notes associated by player:
Then pop up a menu where each page is a note on the player made by a teacher or staff
To store a note for a player:
Access permissions: Teachers+
Extra: Web interface on player profile
320 | Backend / Core | Feature Request | High | Medium | Patreon donations | Assigned | |
MrSquid | 28.08.2023 | 28.08.2023 | | |
Task Description
Requires integration with donation manager. Patron data available through API/webhook.
321 | Staff Utilities | Feature Request | Medium | Critical | Entity Manager Plugin | Assigned | |
MrSquid | 28.08.2023 | 28.08.2023 | | |
Task Description
Develop a replacement for entcontrol which was removed. Should implement all sensible features from entcontrol with improvements where able (such as a lack of memory leaks).
Not being able to grab players is an atrocity I’ve allowed for far too long.
283 | JumpBOT | Bug Report | Medium | High | Fix missing cleanup operations when recording hits unex... | New | |
AI | 21.08.2019 | 21.08.2019 | | |
Task Description
L 08/19/2019 - 17:24:41: [jse_jumpbot.smx] Unexpected end of file on frame (3012/7794 B): addons/sourcemod/data/jse/jumpbot/.cache/9197f1d768045fda28e600abe5c0a2a94ee01814
L 08/19/2019 - 17:24:43: [SM] Exception reported: Invalid Handle 0 (error: 4)
L 08/19/2019 - 17:24:43: [SM] Blaming: jse_jumpbot.smx
L 08/19/2019 - 17:24:43: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 08/19/2019 - 17:24:43: [SM] [0] ArrayList.Length.get
L 08/19/2019 - 17:24:43: [SM] [1] Line 5370, C:\Build\jse\scripting\jse_jumpbot.sp::sendQueuePanel
L 08/19/2019 - 17:24:43: [SM] [2] Line 3169, C:\Build\jse\scripting\jse_jumpbot.sp::Timer_Queue
288 | Plugins | Bug Report | Medium | High | Mapvote and Votemute/gag butting heads | Assigned | |
VolKan | 13.03.2020 | 30.08.2023 | | |
Task Description
The mentioned votes can’t function together at the same time and opens up the possibility to abuse it so you can cancel a mapvote if you votemute someone before the mapvote starts. Ontop of that this also spams everyones chat with this due to mapvote being unable to start during the active votemute/gag.
The_Camelor : /votemute [SM] “The_Camelor” (”STEAM_0:1:165877514”) started a vote to mute “gorgonzola2001”. [MCE] Vote already in progress. Retrying in 5s. [MCE] Vote already in progress. Retrying in 5s. [MCE] Vote already in progress. Retrying in 5s. [MCE] Vote already in progress. Retrying in 5s. [MCE] Vote already in progress. Retrying in 5s.
311 | Staff Utilities | Enhancement | Medium | High | Global discord bans. | Assigned | |
VolKan | 20.11.2022 | 30.08.2023 | | |
Task Description
Have an automated global discord ban feature in the future instead of banning on each discord individually.
324 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Medium | High | Editing waypoints on the website does not automatically... | Assigned | |
MrSquid | 04.09.2023 | 04.09.2023 | | |
Task Description
Requires manual intervention in the database for new changes to take effect. I can’t recall the specific details.
316 | Staff Utilities | Feature Request | Medium | Medium | User name ban plugin | Assigned | |
MrSquid | 22.05.2023 | 22.05.2023 | | |
Task Description
Provide commands to permanently ban/unban users from providing their own names. Banned users will be forced to use a “safe” name from a maintained list.
187 | Staff Utilities | Enhancement | Medium | Low | Listcomms/bans show seconds instead of minutes. | Assigned | |
VolKan | 20.05.2018 | 12.09.2021 | | |
Task Description
sm_listcomms and sm_listbans show durations in seconds which makes things more convoluted than they need to be. Just adds more things that needs to be converted and it’s time that could be easily spared.
300 | Map Info | Feature Request | Medium | Low | Show tiers on map vote menus | Assigned | |
AI | 02.09.2021 | 30.08.2023 | | |
Task Description
Extend map info API with plugin natives and modify map chooser plugin to display tiers for end map, nomination, and rockthevote menus.
305 | Staff Utilities | Feature Request | Medium | Low | DBIMS Control Panel + API Filtering | Assigned | |
MrSquid | 14.09.2021 | 14.09.2021 | | |
Task Description
Build a control panel at dbims.jumpacademy.tf and upgrade the API to support client groups.
Features: - Logical group filtering management - Realtime chat monitoring - Multi-client broadcast system - Targeted client message delivery
This task partially addresses FS#180
306 | Recordings Repository | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Old recordings reused in different map versions not cop... | New | |
AI | 16.09.2021 | 16.09.2021 | | |
Task Description
Old recordings reused across compatible versions of maps may not have table entries copied over post-conversion.
307 | Recordings Repository | Bug Report | Medium | Low | Some database table entries for converted recordings po... | New | |
AI | 16.09.2021 | 16.09.2021 | | |
Task Description
Converted files were also not found and may not have been completed.
Re-run conversion needed for affected maps:
214 | Plugins | Bug Report | Low | High | Spectator list blocking /syncr | Assigned | |
VolKan | 06.07.2018 | 29.08.2023 | | |
Task Description
The spectator list interferes with /syncr
52 | Staff Utilities | Feature Request | Low | Medium | Add player slot reservation for staff | Assigned | |
AI | 15.07.2017 | 16.09.2021 | | |
Task Description
Plugin: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=61913
Extension: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=162489
Custom integration: AFK Manager
forward from https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=79904
323 | Staff Utilities | Enhancement | Low | Medium | Use steam authentication for log viewer and stv archive | Assigned | |
MrSquid | 30.08.2023 | 30.08.2023 | | |
Task Description
Replace the login with OpenID like we do with the rest of the internal site and make another PHP page to replace direct folder listing.
292 | Shadow | Feature Request | Low | Low | Shadow racing (or just normal racing like on jump assis... | Assigned | |
VolKan | 06.08.2020 | 15.09.2021 | | |
Task Description
the way i see it working is you record using a command, and you’ll have options: timer, manual, checkpoint (timer lets you record for x amount of time until it automatically stops when the time is up. Manual lets you manually stop the recording whenever you want, like if you just wanted to record a couple jumps. Checkpoint stops the recording after hitting a capture point, either a course completion or map completion depending on the map setup) After you’ve done either of those you have a recording to race. You can initiate the race with a command which will send you and a ‘ghost’ jumpbot to the starting point and count down, and then the race starts. Recordings would be flushed after the player leaves. It wouldn’t be the actual jumpbot though as that could prevent it from being used for long periods of time
(or just normal 1v1 races initiated by a player to another player)
302 | Game Servers | Enhancement | Low | Low | Regular rank ingame | Assigned | |
VolKan | 13.09.2021 | 13.09.2021 | | |
Task Description
The Discord Regular rank uses mee6’s level settings to assign the rank to users with an absurdly high level at the moment, as a placeholder for what I originally had in mind.
As for what I have in mind, ideally there’s a physical rank that people can get, by playing regularly. It shouldn’t be a static rank, meaning that it’s not a “one and done” thing where you clock in x amount of hours to get the rank and then pull a houdini. Ideally it tracks your everyday/week activity and if you are above a certain threshold you qualify for the rank.
Donor interaction is up for debate, it would depend wether or not we decide the role should have a tag and or color, or some sort of visual thing to set it apart.
303 | Website | Feature Request | Low | Low | HoF / Timeline | Assigned | |
VolKan | 13.09.2021 | 13.09.2021 | | |
Task Description
Timeline project
309 | Staff Utilities | Enhancement | Low | Low | Academy BOT | Assigned | |
VolKan | 21.09.2021 | 21.09.2021 | | |
Task Description
Add moderator module / commands to the academy discord bot.
Three useful ones that come to mind are:
/profile “Discord name” Brings up targeted users academy about page (link) /discord “Steam name” Brings up targeted users Discord name (not an @) /steam “Discord name” Brings up targeted users Steam Profile (link)
Note that the name syntax should ideally function like it does ingame, where you just have to type whatever is closets to the target as long as there’s not multiple targets with the shortened name.
325 | Website | Feature Request | Low | Low | Set Joinmessages on your profile | New | |
VolKan | 15.12.2023 | 15.12.2023 | | |
Task Description
Make it so it’s possible to open your Profile on the website and set your joinmessage there.
326 | Game Servers | Feature Request | Low | Low | Show rank name and color on join and disconnect message... | New | |
VolKan | 15.12.2023 | 15.12.2023 | | |
Task Description
Add exemptions for staff under the effects of undercover
64 | Staff Utilities | Feature Request | Very Low | Medium | Grabbing vacban info on staff | Assigned | |
VolKan | 05.08.2017 | 24.08.2017 | | |
Task Description
Replicate what steamrep does and grab vacban info, tradebans, and actual rep/steamrep (we don’t want scammers either i imagine) have it on some sort of website we already own, accessible by admins (mods doesn’t have any need for this information)
82 | Staff Utilities | Bug Report | Very Low | Medium | "No spray detected" while (pornographic) spray is still... | Assigned | |
Ex6tenze | 24.08.2017 | 24.08.2017 | | | |
203 | Core | Enhancement | Very Low | Medium | Make /hardcore be actually hardcore | Assigned | |
VolKan | 21.06.2018 | 30.08.2023 | | | |
290 | Backend / Core | Bug Report | Very Low | Medium | Votemute showing 0 received votes instead of the no. of... | Unconfirmed | |
Ad | 06.04.2020 | 06.04.2020 | | | |
298 | Plugins | Feature Request | Very Low | Medium | Command to toggle Beggar's deviation on & off | Assigned | |
Etefi | 11.04.2021 | 30.08.2023 | | | |
80 | Staff Utilities | Feature Request | Very Low | Low | Add support for looking up player spray history | Assigned | |
AI | 24.08.2017 | 13.09.2021 | | | |
99 | Website | Feature Request | Very Low | Low | Donor tag word restrictions | Assigned | |
VolKan | 03.09.2017 | 09.10.2023 | | | |
117 | Plugins | Feature Request | Very Low | Low | A command to prevent people from bungeeing onto you | Assigned | |
hexaflexagon | 14.10.2017 | 30.08.2023 | | | |
180 | Staff Utilities | Feature Request | Very Low | Low | Chat monitoring outside of TF2 | Assigned | |
Ex6tenze | 27.04.2018 | 13.09.2021 | | | |
182 | JumpBOT | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | Jumpbot interactions on jump_onit | Assigned | |
VolKan | 11.05.2018 | 30.08.2023 | | | |
314 | Staff Utilities | Bug Report | Very Low | Low | Activity Discord Bot | Assigned | |
VolKan | 21.12.2022 | 30.08.2023 | | | |
317 | JumpBOT | Enhancement | Very Low | Low | Auto playback different rocketlaunchers | Assigned | |
Graru1 | 02.08.2023 | 30.08.2023 | | | |
23 | Game Servers | Feature Request | Very Low | Very Low | /original command | Assigned | |
AutumnBomb | 16.05.2017 | 30.05.2017 | | | |
118 | Website | Feature Request | Very Low | Very Low | Search bar for mods+ regarding player profiles | Assigned | |
VolKan | 17.10.2017 | 30.08.2023 | | | |
168 | Game Servers | Enhancement | Very Low | Very Low | Charging demomen make lots of loud noise if they want t... | Assigned | |
hexaflexagon | 26.03.2018 | 26.03.2018 | | | |
255 | Plugins | Bug Report | Very Low | Very Low | Allow time to be specified when spray banning | Assigned | |
AutumnBomb | 13.12.2018 | 13.12.2018 | | | |
256 | Plugins | Feature Request | Very Low | Very Low | Mouse speed/move speed options for foresight - sm_fso | Assigned | |
AutumnBomb | 23.12.2018 | 30.08.2023 | | | |
293 | SyncR | Feature Request | Very Low | Very Low | Have syncr apply to the person you spectate | Assigned | |
firestabber | 12.08.2020 | 30.08.2023 | | | |